Originally Posted by rsilvers
3200 fps with 16 inch barrel and 55 grain bullet and sabot.
I have no doubt you achieved that velocity. A Quickload calculation says it takes a chamber pressure of about 65000 psi to do it. Accurate #7 was Quickloads powder choice. Could you tell is the details of your 3200 fps load?
Projectile weight (bullet +sabot)
Seating depth of the sabot. (to give chamber capacity)
Powder type and weight.
What do YOU consider a maximum working presssure for the 300 BLK in a Rem 700 action? I would not expect 65000 psi to cause damage considering much larger cartidges have that as their SAAMI max presssure. Is there anyting about the 300 BLK to argue against that other then the chance of the cartridge ending up being shot in weaker firearm.