Trailboss works great in my .308 subs. I use 10 grains with 180's from a 16 barrel. It fills the case about 2/3 full. I was worried about the 60 grain Aguila stabilizing in my slow twist .22's, but for some reason they shoot accurately in several different .22's, a pistol and 2 rifles. You can hear a noticeable difference hitting a rabbit in the skull with the 60's compared to the 40's. You are right on the bolt .223 Pitt, that is fun, but still a PITA. If I had a bolt .223 I'd keep a few subs around like I do for my .308 boltgun. American Spirit Arms makes a neat upper that cocks like a FAL from the left side that would be neat to shoot subs like a pump action in your AR if you really wanted to.