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One Shot 07-06-2008 02:36 PM

.223 Subsonic load question
Anyone doing this ? What / how much powder to start with ? I'm using 9gr H100 with my 220 grain Whisper loads. Cound I start with the same ones ? I'll be shooting 55gr ammo.
One Shot

JFettig 07-07-2008 07:31 PM

I really don't know of anyone doing this. I had to load some at a greatly reduced velocity(not quite subsonic) for something and it took a dangerously reduced charge of a super slow powder. The case was only about 60% full, I made sure the powder was to the back when I fired it.


jarhead1086 07-08-2008 12:16 AM

Subsonic .223 is also called .22 LR. Save yourself the hassel/expense and buy Aguila 60 grain SSS for your .22. Its better, cheaper, and safer.

One Shot 07-08-2008 08:31 AM

Just a thought to use a can on my .223

Pitt300 07-09-2008 10:37 PM

Jarhead is 90% correct.
If you have an AR it's not really worth it as NO subsonic loads will cycle the action & you have to dismount rifle & manually cock it to cycle then remount & shoot. PIA
W/a bolt .223 or I have a KelTec SU16C that has a bolt handle on it w/a 20-30 round mag & it works well.
Heaviest bullets that I've gotten to stay stable are the 69g SMKs.
Tried 80g Bergers & at 25 yards @ 1050 fps they were going thru the target sideways. NO I did not have my can on it.
69g SMKs w/4.7g of TB gives me about 1040fps out of 20"AR.
Haven't clocked 16" KelTec but I know its subsonic.
This has more energy than most .22 subsonic Rimfire loads.
40g .22 Rimfire @ 1040 fps approx 78ft# @ 100 yards
55g .223 @ 1060 fps (3.2g Clays or 3.1g Tite Group) approx 114ft# @ 100 yards
60g Aguillas fall in here BUT you need a VERY fast twist barrel to stabilize
69g .223 @ 1060 fps approx 150ft# @ 100 yards

One Shot 07-10-2008 08:57 AM

Thanks. I'm going to scrap that idea.
I just got my can yesterday, and put a bunch through my .300 / .221
It was a hoot !

JFettig 07-10-2008 12:03 PM

Pitt300, what do you do with all the airspace with those loads?


Pitt300 07-10-2008 01:05 PM

Trail Boss is VERY fluffy.
W/Clays it has never been an issue & I do NOT use any fillers.
Clays & Tite Group will also work w/.308 subsonic loads.
I've never used Tite Group.

jarhead1086 07-13-2008 02:57 PM

Trailboss works great in my .308 subs. I use 10 grains with 180's from a 16 barrel. It fills the case about 2/3 full. I was worried about the 60 grain Aguila stabilizing in my slow twist .22's, but for some reason they shoot accurately in several different .22's, a pistol and 2 rifles. You can hear a noticeable difference hitting a rabbit in the skull with the 60's compared to the 40's. You are right on the bolt .223 Pitt, that is fun, but still a PITA. If I had a bolt .223 I'd keep a few subs around like I do for my .308 boltgun. American Spirit Arms makes a neat upper that cocks like a FAL from the left side that would be neat to shoot subs like a pump action in your AR if you really wanted to.


Pitt300 07-22-2008 06:39 PM

That's a nice upper.
The Kel-Tec SU16C is fun as a mag fed bolt gun w/large cap mag but you do have to use right hand. Not end of the world, I do it w/o dismounting gun.

These are really fun guns but I know it will never hold up like an AR.
I've taken a number of does w/it.

+ the barrel al;ready comes threaded from the factory.
It's almost like they want you to suppress it!


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