I am thinking of selling screw kits if there are enough people interested. If there are I will take care of the guns net fee requiremens before I post it.
If enough are interested I will buy a big enough quantity to sell a complete kit for $5 shipped to you from here in WV. I will probably even include the allen wrenches. I will also get taps and cobalt drills for those in need.
I want to be able to sell them for less than a rivet kit.
With screws you do not need to remove the front trunion and reinstall it. This is a big time saver.
You will need a power drill and an adjustable wrench or a tap handle.
knowledge of tapping holes is good. If you have none practice with scrap first. if you are going to tap the holes in the front trunion with the barrel in you will need to have a bottoming tap, which I will make available. again Practice first.
I have done about 6 kits with screws and they are much easier to do than rivets. screws can cover up faily large off center drilling errors where rivets let part of the hole show through the head.
the screws are grade 8 black button head hex drive in 8-32 and 10-32. 4 nuts to do the forward part of trigger guard with. I will even add a piece of .25" alum rod so you can drill and tap it to make a center support out of ( they want $2 for them so to keep costs down make your own. there will be 2 screws to hold the front part of the rail in place so they do not rotate around the center pin.
I will have a link with pictures of exactly what will be offered.
Again I am not selling anything now. I am just seeing if anyone is interested.
if you are let me know what you want and how many. if there are enough people interested I will buy the bulk and save some $ off what other screw kits go for. if you sign up below you are not commited to buy anything as this is not a sale it is just market research to see if it is worth doing.
$5 a kit is less than you will spend in gas going to the hardware store to get them. Some have them some do not. They are usually under 15 cents. to get them cheaper you need to buy a box of 100. so since there are 4 sizes... you will have 380 extra screws.
if you are interested let me know how many screw kits and if you will want taps or drills. Then I will take care of what guns net needs for me to do this then I will get the parts and post a new link in the classifieds.
thanks for taking the time to read my post. any questions or comments welcomed along with special requests.