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Old 03-30-2006, 12:11 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
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I had problems with some Crows that had learned that garbage bags had good stuff to eat and they got to be a realproblem flying from garbage bag to garbage bag and tearing them all open... There were two of them but man did they make a huge mess every week...

I wnet shopping and bought an inexpensive Daisy BB gun...

The darned barrel was inside a hollow metal outer piece and the front sight was mounted to this insert... Well, the metal on the outside was so loose that the front sight would rotate about 3/16-inch left to right and the inner barrel flopped around as well... I couldn't hit a thing with the thing much less take care of the crows...

I ended up using a couple Remington 22LR subsonics from inside the house and took care of those crows using a tasty looking garbage bag in the back yard but I have very little respect for Daisy anymore after the POS I bought...
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Old 03-30-2006, 08:03 PM
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When I was a kid I had a Red Rider. I learned to snap shoot it and to instinct shoot. I got pretty good at hitting things in the air with it. I cleaned out a bunch of pigeons with a Chinese air rifle and a Daisy red dot sight. It worked great. I put another red dot sight on a 22 and it was fine, too. I have not tried one of Daisy's guns lately but the last Red Rider I looked at did not seem the same quality of my old one.

Last edited by Wrangler; 04-06-2006 at 01:36 AM.
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Old 04-09-2006, 04:35 AM
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Thumbs up Crossman

I'm a N.Y. hunter Ed. instructor. I live not to far from Bloomfield where Crossmans main offices are. I've never had any trouble with them I've got 4 model 760 air guns to use when I can't have shotguns or 22s for target practice. Thier Benjamin Sheridan line of pellet rifles is great. Fairrel cats were a big problem in our neighorhood ( I like my songbirds ,squrrels ,rabbits ). Benjamin Sheridan made sure it was one shot - one kill all were within 50-70yds of the back door and open sites. The Legacy 1000 Break Barrel at 1000fps I would think it'ld get'er done right out to 100yds tomcats on down. You do get what you pay for from them and they back thier product very well. http://www.crosman.com/site/listing/1088
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Old 04-09-2006, 11:34 AM
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Just curious what you paid for the crossman?
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Old 04-10-2006, 03:41 AM
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Not sure got it awhile ago (3-4yrs I've close to 100 fire arms they are the only ones I log........ date ,price, when and who I don't bother withe BB or pellet firearms) . I want to say I paid $100 - $125 in a garage sale. It was used but I got the box papers pellets was like new. The guy lived in the city suburbs of Rochester and had a garden, woodchucks and rabbits were his targets. He said it killed the chucks but as tough as they are shot placement I'm sure is important. I got it mainly for the fact it has the report of a 22 subsonic round maybe a little loader.When I was thinning out the cats people started asking questions ( I never shot a cat with a collar on it and anyone that had a cat I let them know what I was doing they were in agrement because some of them had cats that got sick from contact with the ones that where in barn ) when I shot out the door..... I got the 1000......no more calls.
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Old 08-14-2006, 05:26 PM
SpookFish SpookFish is offline
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Hey I airsoft, here is one of my guns
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