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Air Guns
A while back I purchased a cheap Chinese air pistol. The things wrong with it could fill a book. It was hard to cock until I polished the bolt that holds the barrel closed. Now that works very easily in comparison to its original state. Next, I tackled the trigger pull or should I say Pu...LL....whew! That was hard. First I polished the sear to remove the gritty feel. Then to get rid of the creaking sound of the sear spring coils catching on the side of the hole in the sear, I radiused the hole with a diamond pointed hone in a rotary tool. Now they slip easily into the hole as I pull the trigger. The spring also needed to be lighter so I replaced it with a spring robbed from an old ball point pen. Nice.... Finally, I reduced the sear engagement with the piston bolt. What a difference. It is not target pistol but it is now a fun one to plink with. I can hit the target without pulling the aim off trying to fire the thing...... Much better. Applause accepted here. Have fun.
Chinese Junk
( I thought CHINESE JUNK was a boat ? ) :sniper: I know what you mean..... About 8yrs ago I bought a chinese SKS. It was so badly made (at the time my 9yr old daughters could have done a better tooling job with a dremal) I had to fit parts, polish them. I should have known what I was getting into when I paid $50 for it ($49 more than I should have) but it works good now. I hope thier nukes aren't any better built. They wouldn't beable to hit the floor of the missile silow with them. :bangin:
The thing was meant only to go bang in a general direction. Enough bangs coming at you and something gets hit. There has been a real cottage industry based on improving military arms for sporting purposes since WWI and before. Do I hear Mauser? Look what they have done to the AR15/M16.
I had problems with some Crows that had learned that garbage bags had good stuff to eat and they got to be a realproblem flying from garbage bag to garbage bag and tearing them all open... There were two of them but man did they make a huge mess every week...
I wnet shopping and bought an inexpensive Daisy BB gun... The darned barrel was inside a hollow metal outer piece and the front sight was mounted to this insert... Well, the metal on the outside was so loose that the front sight would rotate about 3/16-inch left to right and the inner barrel flopped around as well... I couldn't hit a thing with the thing much less take care of the crows... I ended up using a couple Remington 22LR subsonics from inside the house and took care of those crows using a tasty looking garbage bag in the back yard but I have very little respect for Daisy anymore after the POS I bought... |
When I was a kid I had a Red Rider. I learned to snap shoot it and to instinct shoot. I got pretty good at hitting things in the air with it. I cleaned out a bunch of pigeons with a Chinese air rifle and a Daisy red dot sight. It worked great. I put another red dot sight on a 22 and it was fine, too. I have not tried one of Daisy's guns lately but the last Red Rider I looked at did not seem the same quality of my old one.
I'm a N.Y. hunter Ed. instructor. I live not to far from Bloomfield where Crossmans main offices are. I've never had any trouble with them I've got 4 model 760 air guns to use when I can't have shotguns or 22s for target practice. Thier Benjamin Sheridan line of pellet rifles is great. Fairrel cats were a big problem in our neighorhood ( I like my songbirds ,squrrels ,rabbits ). Benjamin Sheridan made sure it was one shot - one kill :sniper: all were within 50-70yds of the back door and open sites. The Legacy 1000 Break Barrel at 1000fps I would think it'ld get'er done right out to 100yds tomcats on down. You do get what you pay for from them and they back thier product very well. http://www.crosman.com/site/listing/1088
Just curious what you paid for the crossman?
Not sure got it awhile ago (3-4yrs I've close to 100 fire arms they are the only ones I log........ date ,price, when and who I don't bother withe BB or pellet firearms) . I want to say I paid $100 - $125 in a garage sale. It was used but I got the box papers pellets was like new. The guy lived in the city suburbs of Rochester and had a garden, woodchucks and rabbits were his targets. He said it killed the chucks but as tough as they are shot placement I'm sure is important. I got it mainly for the fact it has the report of a 22 subsonic round maybe a little loader.When I was thinning out the cats people started asking questions ( I never shot a cat with a collar on it and anyone that had a cat I let them know what I was doing they were in agrement because some of them had cats that got sick from contact with the ones that where in barn ) when I shot out the door..... I got the 1000......no more calls.
Hey I airsoft, here is one of my guns http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b2...jack7/g-36.jpg
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