Hey QB I am working with MK1271 bending the flats......it is not the locating pins themself........it is the last bolt bolt hole for tightning that bar to the rest of the jig.........when you have the jig all together you can see and feel that the plate with the pins is off to one side it is only on the front trunnion side of the jig.......we are going to try another flat tonight and see what happens...........
I see and I noticed that when I bent mine... What I did was snug things up and then use your fingers to line things up as best as possible. The flat does not get bent over this so when I bent my flats the receivers came out fine and the finished gun works great...
we are now enlarging the front trunnion pin hole and centering the flat better... I am very happy with the results...this method takes a little longer per flat but it works .... we have 6 flats bent and have 11 more to go.