The flats shown above are one example of AKM stamped receiver flat that are being manufactured and sold. These are not considered to be firearms as these receivers are less than 80% complete and they require considerable work to be formed into a functional firearm.
Bending the Flats to make a receiver - The 555th Jig
I have a 555th Jig that is purchased and in the mail. There are several manufacturers of AK-bending Jigs and in general they are all quite similar in design and function. I will update this info when I get the jig but following is some general pics and info:
Note: This jig has additional alignment holes added as described below!
Instructions with pics
Plans to build your own
ZIP File with pics, CAD drawings, and plans in TIFF format
Sample Free CAD Programs to view CAD files above
Details on how to add the alignment pins as shown in pic above...
Advise from 555th himself!
I have never really had any trouble lining the flats up, but I've seen where some guys have. Today I drilled and tapped the bottom plate on BlueJack's jig and used 8-32 bolts to attach the flat flat to the bottom plate. It worked great. I bent two flats in a row and never measured any thing on the second one. Here's how to do it if you're interested;
Attach the flat flat to the jig and line it up perfectly with a rule or slide caliper. Line in up in the front, then snug the front bolt. Then do the rear and recheck the front.
Once it is centered, Take a marker and mark the flat along side the bottom plate and put some index marks on it and the plate.
Take the bottom plate loose from the jig and line the flat up with the plate and clamp it.
Drill the alignment holes down through the bottom plate with a #29 drill bit and take the clamps off.
Tap the two holes and your done.