Originally Posted by porterkids
If I'm not mistaken, you'll have a problem with mounting an M9 or M7 on the 16" M4. The bayonet lug to flash hider length is too long and the muzzle ring on the bayonet will be flopping around on the barrel behind the flash hider.
You are correct. I just picked up a 1987 phrobis/buck 188> today. From the tip of the muzzle to the bayonet lug it is 8 inches. This leaves three inches of blade under my barrel. Why do m4's have. Bayonet lug if it doesn't match up? Is there a fix for this other then buying a 20" barrel? Is there a boot on ring adapter to mount on my barrel to take up the slack. If not I may have a spike's tactical and a bushmaster xm15 1/9 twist for sale. The scabbard is a phrobis (marked with a dolphin) just under the sharpening stone. It did not have a pouch and it has a yellow warning printed on the scabbard warning about the cutting line. Is this the correct scabbard? Lastly is the buck/phrobis as good as quality of the phrobis? I know it sYs the 188 was made for commercial use. Thanks for all your help