I was out shopping last night for the handle for my H-press and for the life of me I could not remember which paint you had suggested... I wrote it down and put it in my wallet this time!
I am curious if you paint after your entire build is done (at least barrel in and rear trunion)? Do you just mask off the parts you don't want painted and paint away...?
I would assume that is the SOP but I figured I would ask.
I've masked off parts that I don't want painted before. But most of the time after I assemble the rifle and test fire(work out any bugs) I just press the barrel pin back out and press the barrel back out and paint it. Then reassemble it. Sometimes I refinish the whole rifle.....It just depends
I was looking through the Brownels catalog, and the baked on epoxy finishes looked like just the ticket. If however Dupli-Color will do just as well, I'm all for it. I'm guessin' that metal flake or candy apple colors would be a bit tacky though. :D
"Inspired by Reagan, educated by Rush!"
On AK-47.net someone has a Krink that they had painted gold... it really looked pretty slick... Still, I am trying for more of an original look than not!