OK, IF I want to use my existing 223 AR magazines in my AR, what caliber options apply? 300 whisper, 6mm/223, 223 rem of coarse, 222 rem, 17 rem, and the 458 socom................anything else?
If I also want to use my existing 223 AR bolt, what are my options? 300 whisper, and of coarse 223 rem, 6mm/223, 222 rem, 17 rem.........................anything else?
Is there any room to spare 'length wise' on a AR 45acp mag? Could it be converted to shoot 45 auto mag loaded subsonic? I onlly ask because I want as much speed as possible (1050fps) and most loads for the 45 acp are closer to 900fps. With just a little bit more case capacity than a 45acp, 1050fps should be possible with 300grain bullets........at least it works out that way in my brain.
Last edited by SwampF0X; 12-21-2009 at 11:08 PM.