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Old 12-12-2009, 06:13 AM
SwampF0X SwampF0X is offline
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OK we got 2 thumbs up for the 44mag but it will cost more than modifying my AR upper to fire .458 SOCOM.

Well...............I wanted to mod my AR anyways, plus it will be cheaper and more powerful than the 44mag. The 44mag could be considerably shorter without SBRing it though and probably half the size of an AR if I did go the SBR route...........................decisions, decisions.

Who should I go with to re-build my upper into a 458 SOCOM and how much is it gonna cost me? Please include the best choice in a suppressor in the cost, if you don't mind.

I truely appreciate you guys helping me out.

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Old 12-12-2009, 07:21 PM
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For the 44 mag this would be a good option. The 77/44 is on the net for about $550 + SRT integral $785 + optional fast twist barrel $345 = $1680. This will do every thing you want to do plus it will probably handle the hottest loads you can find. This is the gun you are seeing on youtube.
I like it.

You could use a factory 77/44 or Encore with 240s possibly 300s and an a 45 acp suppressor. The gun would be $550 to $600. Suppressors would run from $450 to $1150. You would be limited to subsonic ammo


Send him an e-mail. He can tell you exactly what a barrel and bolt for your AR will cost. Swapping an AR barrel is fairly easy. Your local gunsmith should do it for a minimal cost. Rikky Lee is putting one together he may have a source on barrels as well. I say no more than $350 for the barrel. The suppressors can run from $700 to $1400. Elite Iron quoted me a price of $750. You can use the 458 suppressor on multiple host rifles .45 acp 44 mag or what ever.

This does not include you tax stamps. The SRT would be a one stamp gun. I know you want a SBR AR. You can form 1 on you AR in say a 10.5 223. Then just have your gunsmith hack the barrel off. $200 for the tax and $70 for the gun smith to cut and recrown. If you want some other caliber in the future just get an upper and slap it on.
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Old 12-12-2009, 07:56 PM
SwampF0X SwampF0X is offline
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OK....................what about the .45acp, it's subsonic, mushrooms, AR kits are available, they use heavy bullets??????? Screw on cans that I have watched videos of are very quiet. I could SBR it

Or perhaps the 45 Win Mag? I found a few articles on the net where MI Carbines were used as a host for different caliber barrels. 9mm, and 45 win mag seem to be the most common. The 45 Win Mag is pretty much just a longer 45acp case. The M1 Carbine could also be broke down enough to put it in a bullpup stock.

Back to the Ruger 44mag carbine........................It has been replaced by the 99/44 Deerfield. Apparently they are designed off of the Mini 14. Could one of these be suppressed and still operate in semi mode? I know Bullpup stocks (very cheap ones) are made for the Mini 14, so I would think that one could be made for the 99/44. They are close in price to the 77/44mag and I'd prefer a semi auto if it will function.

Neither of the businesses you posted links to are accepting orders right now.

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Old 12-12-2009, 08:46 PM
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http://www.pac-nor.com/ They make 458 barrels.


You may be hard pressed to get the 45 acp up to 1050. If you are set on a AR SBR do the 458 SOCOM. Regardless of what you do, it will take time. Don't rush into it. There are 458 uppers for sell on http://458socomforums.com/index.php all the time. Call the companies ask them what their times are running. You could be one of the first to do a 450 Bushmaster. At some point you're just going to have to do some leg work and pull the trigger on this project.

Last edited by Alleycat; 12-12-2009 at 09:27 PM.
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Old 12-12-2009, 10:50 PM
SwampF0X SwampF0X is offline
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I'm not set on doing an AR just yet. I want a very quiet, compact, semi auto deer dropper. Base rifle could be anything from an SBR AR to an M1 carbine rechambered to something bigger, but not so big that the receiver can't handle the stress.

I assume most bullets of the same weight will require close to the same powder charge to launch either bullet at 1050fps. So in theory...............44mag, 44 special, 45 win mag, 450 Bushmaster, 458SOCOM ect will all have pretty much the same pressure, velocity, trajectory, and terminal ballistics.............granted, heavier is better.

thanks for the links.

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Old 12-13-2009, 02:39 PM
redtazdog redtazdog is offline
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Semi auto and quiet dont work well together compared to a single shot or bolt action quiet.
I have Ar's in 22 lr, 300 Whisper, 9mm, 45acp, 458soc and
even with the best cans out there they dont come close to as quiet
as a closed brech gun.
With my AR 458 i can kill a animal but the others will hear it at 200 yrds easy,
With the 44 mag sigle shot/bolt action they dont hear it at 100 yrds
and I can get another accurate shot on a second and sometimes a third animal before they figure out whats going on.
My single shot TC 510 whisper is much quieter than the AR 458
with sub ammo.
You need to decide how quiet you realy want then decide
semi or single shot as you are the only one here that knows how quiet you need to get the job done.

Last edited by redtazdog; 12-14-2009 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:48 PM
SwampF0X SwampF0X is offline
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I watched several videos of suppressed firearms on the net. The semi auto .45acp sounds very quiet to me as do the single shot 44mags. I was hoping to get close the same suppression as what I've watched.
I figured that in a bullpup stock, hunting from a blind (solid structure) most of the action noise would be absorbed by the blind. The muzzle would be the only thing sticking out the window. Is this assumption incorrect?

I want minimal noise in a semi auto. I realize it won't be as quiet as a single shot, but I hope to get close. There isn't a lot of room in these hunting blinds. Full sized rifles are hard to maneuver without making a racket. That's why I want a bullpup so bad. With a bullpup I can have a rifle as short as 25-26" and not have to pay for SBR tax. A full sized 77/44 rifle with an integral is still gonna be longer than that. Add $200 to the price tag, SBR it and it's still longer or at least very close to it.

So, if at all possible..................I want a SA bullpup rifle with an integral suppressor. I want to cause as much damage as possible in this configuration and be decently accurate.

The Ruger 99/44 should be a good start. I know it will need re-barreled and a custom stock will have to be designed and built, plus the integral suppressor. The M1 carbine (with the same modifications) could also be chambered to 45 Win Mag and used, and probably the Ruger 44Mag Carbine as well. I suppose an AK47 could also be used. I saw an AK bullpup somewhere before...............Vector Arms maybe??????????? I'm sure there are others, if you know of a better configuration or better host please inform me.

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Old 12-13-2009, 07:20 PM
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An AK is the loudest option you have mentioned so far. It is a piston gun and vents gas from the tube.

Any thing with a barrel shorter than 16" or an overall length less than 26" will require a tax stamp.

I hate bullpup guns, but to each their own.

My AR is 23" with the suppressor it will be about 34" long. You will not get much shorter than that with an AR.

The shortest gun you will be get will be an Encore type gun. Short barrel it and get the appropriate suppressor. You can even get a folding stock for it. It would be a two stamp gun, but the options are limitless when it comes to caliber.

The larger the bore diameter the louder it will be. The 44 defy this some with the huge internal volume of the integrals they use. Longer barrels are typically quieter than the same gun with a shorter barrel.

What's most important? (Length, single shot, bolt, semi auto, suppression) Pick one and go from there.

For the price of that semi auto + a barrel job you could get an Encore with a .44 mag, 45acp, and a 45-70 barrel. Well at least two barrels. Buy a suppressor suitable for the 45-70 and you could use it on all three.
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Old 12-13-2009, 07:59 PM
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Rikky Lee Rikky Lee is offline
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From my reading of where this thread is going the Contender is the obvious solution. The other option is something along the lines of a de Lisle carbine but money comes into it.

We live in a world of compromise; using silencers forces us to compromise more. For mine, first shot accuracy with good terminal performance ranks best followed closely by not disturbing the neighbors (the main reason for needing a silencer?).
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Old 12-14-2009, 01:47 AM
redtazdog redtazdog is offline
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The video's dont realy show you how a gun with a can realy sounds.
as I have a AR 45acp integral too and in a video its sounds close to
the same as my 44mag integral but in person the 44mag wins for quiet.
My next barrel for a TC will be a 45/70 so I can shoot heavy lead subsonic like the AR 458 socom but quieter.
This AR 45acp spanks the AR 458 socom in quiet and would probably do what
you need but they are not cheap to build at all.
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