Maybe I could get a Ruger 44mag carbine, have a custom aluminum bull pup stock made (I know of a guy) Put a faster twist barrel on it, SBR it if needed, and a 45 acp suppressor. How does that sound for a short easy to handle deer rifle out to a Maximum of 200yrds?
Most of my hunting will be from a small blind, so compactness is important to me. I hunt on my familys farm and there is a property boundry dispute between us and them. The land has been surveyed several times and they all match within a couple of inches. Our fence is inside that surveyed line by a few inches. I'm legal but there's always someone trying to start trouble. Anyways, I'd rather keep things quiet to avoid confrentations with the neighbors. I also need to drop the deer where he stands. God forbid if my deer ran across the fence. Then there would be lots of trouble, does a Ruger 44mag sound good to everyone? Does my plan sound solid? Or do I need the extra weight the 458 SOCOM offers? Which would be cheaper to build, buy the Ruger and start from scratch or modify my AR upper?