When you get right down to it, what is any of this stuff really worth? Within the last year I've seen Chevron M9s sell for $1500 and a Buck USMC for over $2000. Both of those are basically the same thing as the Ontario M9, aren't they? Why do they have a perceived value so much higher than the Ontario commemoratives? It can't be due to the number made; there are over 1000 Chevrons and there are 5000 Buck USMCs. There are only 500 of the Ontarios.
I guess what I'm trying to say without getting too philosophical is that any of this stuff we value so highly is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it when we put it up for sale. I personally buy every commemorative and foreign copy of the M9 that I come across. Some of them will probably decrease in value in the short term but I collect M9s and I am trying to have a complete and comprehensive collection. I believe that there will be a market for these in the future when collectors are trying to round out their collections.