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Old 03-05-2011, 06:22 PM
WhisperFan's Avatar
WhisperFan WhisperFan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 86
Remington 700 feeding - Photos added !!!

I have a problem I hope someone else can help with.

I took a Remington 700 in .223 and did a rebarrel on it. I put on a Remington factory 700 bull barrel in .308 - I had to replace the magazine box, the follower and mag spring (for .308)
I also bought a bolt - I don't think the bolt is the problem.

So - now the barrel is mounted, it had been properly headspaced, and I had it reblued. Everything is as it should be .... except it wont feed - at all.

When the cartridge is on the 'outside' (nearest the ejection port opening) the bolt pushes the round forward about 1/8" and as the bullet nose starts up the feed ramp, the back end drops and the bolt face goes over the back of the round and pushes the round down into the mag.

On the 'inside' it's not much better. The bolt will push the round forward, and when the bolt jumps the rim of the cartridge, if I pull back on the bolt handle and then push forward again, I can sometimes get it to feed. But that doesn't happen on the 'outside'

Was the .223 receiver different than a .308 short action receiver in any way? I'm thinking the feed ramp area - or the 'lips' at the top of the box magazine?

I even took the rifle out of the stock and assembled it without the stock and it does the same thing.

Thanks in advance

Last edited by WhisperFan; 03-06-2011 at 07:08 PM.
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