If you decide to assemble your upper yourself, don't panic! I put mine to gether with almost no tools, and the ones I used were not specifically "AR" tools. If I can do it, anyone can!
I used a DPMS "Flat top, slick-side, high rise" upper (no tools needed, no assembly required). I used a Model 1 Sales "300 Fireball" barrel, seems to be very accurate and shoots both subsonic and supersonic well. I used a ultra-low profile gas block.
I simply used a block of wood and a c-clamp to clamp the upper reciever to my work bench. I wrapped the reciever in a cloth to prevent marking it up. Slide the barrel into the reciever and tighten the free-float tube until it was tight, then snugged it down until one of the holes lined up for the gas tube. I wrapped an old welding glove around the float tube, then used a large pair of Channel Lock pliers to snug it down good and tight. The reason I did this is because those cute plastic holding blocks that you use to clamp standard flat-tops and A2 type uppers will not fit the DPMS highrise upper anyway!
After tweaking the gas tube a little, I slid the gas tube and gas block into place. Reach a finger into the reciever and stop up the barrel while blowing air down the barrel with compressed air (or use your mouth, don't laugh!

) Turn the gas block back and forth until the air blows freely through the gas tube. Lock it down, most gas blocks have set screws.
Install the charge handle and bolt assembly and your done! It was a simple build because by using the slick side upper I didn't need to assemble a forward assist or dust door. The free float tube didn't require special tools like the standard mil-spec forearm needs to tighten the delta nut assembly. Very simple and looks great!
Even when I assembled my butt stock onto my lower reciever, I used a brass punch and a mallet to tighten the castle nut! No special tools necessary!