
02-13-2011, 05:40 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 113
Tired of searching threads for data? Solution...
I'm more than a little tired of searching for reloading data that relates to the 300-221/300Blk and all the barrel, port position, etc... options.
Here's a thought to help us all trouble shoot these damn things a little faster.
Why don't we consolidate all our findings into spreadsheets or scatter charts? We can limit each chart by barrel length, then post data for that length. I did something similar in a statistics class for my thesis using Excel. If we get enough data points per powder, bullet, length, and velocity; we can extrapolate to help fill the voids in data.
Off the top of my head we'd need the following (or as much as possible) for each load:
Barrel length
Port position
Bullet type
Bullet weight
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread
Accuacy results using a standard 100y, benched, 5 shot group
altitude within +-1000' feet
And what else?
I don't mind consolidating, but we'd need the moderators support for posting i somewhere and possibly a standardized entry submission form/style so that it can be maintained.
Another option would be to dump it all on an existing forum like reloadersnest...although I don't think we would get as much data analysis out of that site as compared to the statistical analysis of MS Excel.

02-14-2011, 10:55 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: KCMO
Posts: 11
Great idea. Ican send you my spreadsheet information.

02-15-2011, 04:38 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 74
I'll Play... Here's my new plinking load
Barrel length: 10.5"
Port position: Pistol
Bullet type: Pulled Sierra Matchkings from M118LR
Bullet weight: 175
Powder: Alliant 2400 7.9 Grains
Velocity: 1030 FPS (Average for only 3 shots)
Standard Deviation: 2 (for only 3 shots)
Extreme Spread: 5 (for only 3 shots)
Accuracy results at 50y, off ground with bipod, 4 shot group: .31"
Temperature: 62
Altitude within +-100' feet: 4,200'
Wind: 20mph gusts
Additional Fields of interest:
Barrel Twist: 1 in 8
OAL: 2.15"
Dies: Redding 300/221
Brass: Hoser's Lake City Mixed Dates
Primer: CCI 400
Cost Per Reloaded Round (not including brass cost): about $.23
Last edited by buffetdestroyer; 02-15-2011 at 04:42 PM.

02-27-2011, 10:13 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 42
Barrel length 10.5
Port position..... pistol
Bullet type.... SMK
Bullet weight... 220
Powder... N110..... 8.6gns 2.09oal
Velocity... 1000
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread... 24
Accuacy.... .55"
temperaure... 58
altitude... 300
wind.... calm
Barrel length 10.5
Port position..... pistol
Bullet type.... SMK
Bullet weight... 220
Powder... N110..... 8.6gns 2.09oal
Velocity... 1000
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread... 24
Accuacy.... .55"
temperaure... 58
altitude... 300
wind.... calm
Barrel length 10.5
Port position..... pistol
Bullet type.... SMK
Bullet weight... 220
Powder... N110..... 8.6gns 2.18oal
Velocity... 1048
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread... 52
Accuacy.... .75"
temperaure... 58
altitude... 300
wind.... calm
Barrel length 10.5
Port position..... pistol
Bullet type.... AMAX
Bullet weight... 208
Powder... N110..... 8.0gns 2.16oal
Velocity... 1028
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread... 20
Accuacy.... 3/4"
temperaure... 48
altitude... 300
wind.... calm
Last edited by Retooferab; 03-06-2011 at 04:54 PM.
Reason: Added info

02-28-2011, 07:51 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 32
Barrel length: 16"
Port position: Carbine
Bullet type: 210 grain Sierra
Bullet weight: 210
Powder: AA 1680 10.5 Grains
Velocity: 840 FPS (Average for 3 shots)
Standard Deviation: ?
Extreme Spread: ?
Accuracy results at 25y, off sandbag from bench, 5 shot group: less than 1/2"
Temperature: 65
Wind: 20mph gusts
Additional Fields of interest:
Barrel Twist: 1 in 8
OAL: to fit magazine
Dies: Redding 300/221
Brass: Mixed headstamps
Primer: Tula small rifle

02-28-2011, 08:28 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 304
Originally Posted by rumlover
I'm more than a little tired of searching for reloading data that relates to the 300-221/300Blk and all the barrel, port position, etc... options.
Here's a thought to help us all trouble shoot these damn things a little faster.
Why don't we consolidate all our findings into spreadsheets or scatter charts? We can limit each chart by barrel length, then post data for that length. I did something similar in a statistics class for my thesis using Excel. If we get enough data points per powder, bullet, length, and velocity; we can extrapolate to help fill the voids in data.
Off the top of my head we'd need the following (or as much as possible) for each load:
Barrel length
Port position
Bullet type
Bullet weight
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread
Accuacy results using a standard 100y, benched, 5 shot group
altitude within +-1000' feet
And what else?
I don't mind consolidating, but we'd need the moderators support for posting i somewhere and possibly a standardized entry submission form/style so that it can be maintained.
Another option would be to dump it all on an existing forum like reloadersnest...although I don't think we would get as much data analysis out of that site as compared to the statistical analysis of MS Excel.
In part, it has already been done. Go to the link below:
I shot most of the loads listed under "Not yet verified user loads". I suggest that folks add their 300-221 Fireball/300 Whisper(r)/300Blackout load data at the site listed above.
Last edited by 320pf; 02-28-2011 at 08:39 AM.

03-06-2011, 02:56 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 113
yea, I've looked over reloaders nest and didn't find it much usefull for short barreled AR's. I did find a few usefull posts for my 16" encore a few years back. The data there can be usefull though if the person who entered it provided sufficient data (that's not tyically the case). My thought was to build a spreadsheet that does statistical analysis on all available data. It may turn out to be inconclusive, but if the voices in the back of my head are right, we can extrapolate loads based on weapon platform options, desired effects (cycling, most quiet, most speed) etc...
I'm looking for not only the good loads, but data on the bad loads. Those that wouldn't cycle an AR, those that weren't stable, etc.. Such data should give us break points in our options (ie. if you are using a 10.5" barrel, 9.2gr of LilGun is the break point to get a carbine buffer assembly to cycle with a pillover 200 grains -OR- at 1/10" twist the largest pointed design bullet that will stabalize with AA1680 is a 200 SMK, but a 220 Hornady round nose (shorter bullet,easier to stabalize) is still good).
Crunchin the data I have now, this is goig to be a journey, not a race...

03-07-2011, 11:30 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: KCMO
Posts: 11
Crunchin the data I have now, this is goig to be a journey, not a race...[/QUOTE]
I agree. coming up with good loads for my gun has been a journey, but it has been fun. I will keep contributing my data as quickly as I perform more test firings. The weather has not been very cooperative lately. I am anxious to see the accumulated data. Keep this thing moving.

03-07-2011, 01:10 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 74
I tried doing .5 grain incremental drops from the loads that I posted here and I found that within 1 grain of my subsonic load, I lose the oomph necessary to reliably cycle my action.
For example if my load is 7.9 grains of 2400 with 175 grain Matchking, I can't reliably cycle at or below 6.9 grains and the velocity becomes highly erratic as the cycling starts to get finicky.
I may be able to get a little more reliable cycling with lower power loads by getting an AR15 BCG (instead of the slightly heavier M16 carrier in there now) and if I lighten the buffer spring.
However, I have found that with smaller lighter bullets like 150's you have a lot less friction (due to less surface area of the bullet touching the barrel) to overcome and can get loads down into the 800's fps where it still cycles consistently (some shots were down into the high 6's so be careful). The accuracy and velocity left a lot to be desired, but it functioned (for the 10 rounds I loaded) and was pretty quiet! The load was with military FMJ bullets and 7.5 grains of 2400 in my 10.5" barrel. The Standard Deviation was very high so use caution that it doesn't squib if you try this load in your gun. Breaking down the the upper to inspect the barrel for obstructions only takes 30 seconds and can save you the cost of a replacement barrel!
It has taken me about a year to find two subsonic loads that I am really happy with (one with 220's and one with 175's). There is a ton of info on supersonic loads, but that defeats my reason for building my upper and I have other rifles that will perform ballistically the same as a supersonic .300 WTF (my 7.62 AK's for example - cheaper and less hassle since I don't have to reload for it). I agree that having a compiled document or thread would be beneficial since I seriously doubt I will ever buy 300 BLK subsonic ammo because of cost and I doubt it will shoot subsonic in my rifle based on the load & velocity rsilvers posted (the one with 1680 powder) - mine shoots about 150 fps faster than his and I had to drop almost 2.0 grains off his load to find a 1050 fps load. Subsonic WTF loads are very sensitive between not cycling/squibbing and going supersonic and that happy spot is sometimes blurred and takes a lot of load development and trips to the range in order to find one that is consistent in the middle of both of those across varying external conditions.
Last edited by buffetdestroyer; 03-07-2011 at 01:44 PM.

03-19-2011, 02:35 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 112
Id like to see this spread sheet thing going, alot more info will need to be added I think.
I have a 16inch barrel with the port in the pistol position. Id like to shoot both subs and super sonics but not sure about powders to use. Id like to shoot 125-130's for deer hunting.
So I look foreward to this spreadsheet.
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