I have an old Round Ram M-Head Bridgeport and I believe the motor on that head is 1/2 HP but it is 3-phase. I want to get a big enough phase converter however that will allow me to run a larger J-head if I was to add one to the opposite side of my turrent if I wanted to.
I had looked into this months ago but I got swamped with work and projects like setting up these websites so I never got my Milling machine running. I have all the rest of the tools I need now except for power...
Where is an affordable place to buy and would you suggest that the Rotary Phase converter is the best way to go? I rember that the basic options are the Static Converter, Roterary Converter or a third type but darned if I can recall what the other type was. I do recall that the last type allowed for varaible speeds better but it was also much more expensive...
Does anybody have any advise they can share?