Rem bolts with Sako style extractor, PTG's new m-16 Style extractor and Howa 473 Bolts all grab the little commie case with enough authority to extract it without much problem

The issue being the the Rem bolts require the ejector plunger travel to be lengthened to get them to stay on the bf through the ejection process.
The Howa's feed and eject flawlessly... like shit through a goose.
30PPC (30 major) and 30 grendel (300 gorilla) are being used in point blank benchrest with very good result. A 6.8 Rem run through a 30 herret die also produces a decent short 30 cal round.
The 7.62 X 39 unchanged except for a 308 throat is everything a Whisper is and a little extra capacity for high velocity loads as a bonus.