Hi Redtazdog,
very nice rig.
That is my plan to have something similar but on a contender action in a near futur(after the 458 socom project
Now I do not want to disapoint you to much, but I did a project similar to yours a few years ago with a ruger 77/44.
And well, if the gun was hiting a soda can at 60m I was lucky.
The problem was the original barrel which did not have the right twist to stabilize anything heavier than 210gr pills at subsnonic velocities. it was a 1 turn in 20". I had the gun reworked with new trigger, proper bedding and a good silencer but it was always disapointing accuracy wise.
I think going with a custom barrel with a twist of 1 in 14" at least would be the way to go. But again I would not expect the results that i can produce with my 300 whisper at 200m.
But enough of me, tell us more about your rigs and what components you have on it.
good luck for the reloading