Well I just finished reading the book (maybe 5 hours cover to appendices) and was somewhat disapointed
First comment was its need for considerably better proof reading! there are several figures with incorrect labling, a new bayonet location known as the ricosso and a contiunued reference to bayonet scales, that I have only ever seen in one other text. I do not think I am not being picky here, there are 3 figures showing three different bayonets one after another with identical text, and others saying left and right when items are above each other, or comments on the figure below - with no figure reference - that are actually above the text point. I write technical papers for a living and make similar mistakes so I am not with the sin, it just detracts from the book and sometimes makes you ownder about other "facts". And before you comment I know my CD has many typo's as well

I know how hard it is to write something like this, but also know that there are people out there that woudl have been more than willing to help, Some years ago I was fortunate to help proof read a book before publication and the one that came out was considerably better for the input of the people involved int heis process, it corrected mistakes, added missing information wtc.
The information on the Quaterbore forum more than covers anything in the book, and in more detail and with considerably more pictures. The information is interesting and varied, but does a book on the M9 bayonet need a chapter plus on the P38 can opener, or several pages on the modifications to the M16 rifle carried out by the Marines, and as for the soap box opening chapters.......
Shame really as his ideas on a nomenclature for M9 types will be usefull if adopted, will just need additions for miltary contracts not specifically US - mention is made of Australian, Dutch etc. but that is all. The bookis very obviously US aimed, I am afraid that i would have to explain to the writer that in the rest of the world "The Marines", dosn't always mean the US ones, try telling a UK marine that he comes below the the US ones - but please rewrite your will to give me your blades first

. There is no place in a text like this for such comments.
If like me you collect bayonet books as part of your hobby then get a copy, if you want to learn about the M9 save your money (wait for Bill to put his book out ) and read the Quaterbore site, and this forum there is a lot more in it. Also these pages cover a lot of variations (non military granted) not in the book, but definitly part of many M9 collectors area.