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Old 07-30-2008, 09:28 PM
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Gpz1100 Gpz1100 is offline
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Stick Me With A Fork...

yeah, right. we all know that ain't true...
1st version
barrels cut to 10". gas port opened to .125 w/ Paladin adj gas block. short GSE buffer tube kit.

but it won't cycle. shorten the spring 1 coil at a time. finally cycles but now bolt wouldn't close, not enough spring. this leads to
2nd version
removed GSE short buffer tube and replaced with a carbine length pistol tube from Model 1 Sales. cycles great.

3rd version
now add the AAC Cyclone suppressor. still cycles, locks bolt on last shot, and it's quiet

final version is now topped off with a burris scope. next will be to sight it in at 50 yards and see how it groups.

:) :)
American Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Association of....HEY! What's That Shiny Thing?

You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life.

Last edited by Gpz1100; 07-31-2008 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 07-31-2008, 11:22 PM
pug pug is offline
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Nice rig. Glad you got it to cycle and from what I understand lots have trouble getting the short buffer tubes to work.
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Old 08-05-2008, 10:21 PM
JFettig JFettig is offline
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What scope is that and how do you hold the gun?

I just put a cheapo $40 NcStar scope on my pistol, sighted it in today. It has about 10" eye relief, I'll be mounting it on the handguard soon so that I can cheek the buffer tube.

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Old 08-05-2008, 10:34 PM
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Gpz1100 Gpz1100 is offline
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i've shot / hunted with t/c pistols forever. i'll be shooting off bags or with a sling wrapped up on shoulder / arm
American Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Association of....HEY! What's That Shiny Thing?

You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life.
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Old 08-05-2008, 10:35 PM
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Gpz1100 Gpz1100 is offline
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oh and the scope is a refurbished burris. 2x7 vari. got it from midway. i use burris on all my pistols. they hold up great.
American Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Association of....HEY! What's That Shiny Thing?

You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life.
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Old 08-05-2008, 11:48 PM
Pitt300 Pitt300 is offline
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HOW does it shoot??????????????
Inquiring minds want to know.

So many people try to get them to cycle before they put their cans on & this TOTALLY changes the pressures & dwell curves.

Glad yours runs so sweet!
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