Virgin 221 brass is very soft a bit too soft."
HUuuuh ? Virgin (new) brass is Soft and that is good ? New soft and pliable is good ? right ?
I think, He said he is using older brass and that might be the problem.
(Is He Saying ???) It has been shot a few times ?
If so that is most likely the culprit and Anneal like you are saying or just buy some new brass.
I don't Neck-Up. I have been getting excellent results by cutting my .223 brass off @ 1.40 on the Lathe and just Necking-Down to .30 with only just one quick stroke on the Die. Using a little lube inside and very lightly outside. then a little quick trim and chamfer.
I have 'Never' had a split neck once. but the day is still young and I am doing a 100 more up today. ...

so we will see.
Plus, One stoke, to neck-down is less stress and work hardening to the new brass too.
No need to bump from .22 to 7mm to .30 when doing size up. but I got a small Lathe and it helps when cutting off the new brass.
I have done a few hundred brass this week and I got to say. "Cutting off the brass to size is a PITA !" . I wish they just sold brass that was already cut off and ready to size. Half the work would already be done ...

. I could bust-out a lot more finished sized brass that way and much less effort.