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Old 02-16-2013, 11:02 PM
MMA10mm MMA10mm is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 28
Been awhile - hello again

So, I logged on yesterday and see my last log-on was 2006!

Just wanted to see if the madness had struck the 300 community, and looking through the vendors, I see it has... Nearly all 300 stuff is sold out too. Crazy times, huh?

I used to own an early Model1Sales 30/221FB upper which flatly refused to work with subsonics. After messing with it was unsuccessful, I sold it to someone who had no interest in subs. Now with the Blackout having taken hold, I want back into the 300 club, but I want a gun that works with both kinds of loads. (I am going to get a Paladin adjustable gas block to take care of that.) Another impetus is that I'm really digging the new-ish Mk.18, Mod.0, but I hate short-barrelled 223s. But I know the 300 shines in this set-up, so my "Mk.18" is going to have a .30-cal hole in the bbl. Lastly, I still have my Redding dies, 500 221FB cases, and plenty of other components, so I need something to shoot them out of.

I have an old Colt A1 upper I'm parting out, because it has a shot-out barrel (223), so I have a "free" BCG, charging handle, & front sight tower, leaving me only to buy the barrel, rails, and Paladin gas system. However, I've been considering the ASA side-handle upper in case a suppressor is in the cards someday. Since the ASA requires a different BCG, it's about $500, retail (from the manufacturer, which is the only place I've seen them for sale). So, is the ASA upper worth the $400 difference in cost, or am I not finding the right place to buy?
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