I'm new here and stumbled onto this site browsing for info on a knife I have. I got this knife from Harry Camphuysen's shop in Oceanside, Ca back in ~1984/5. I also bought one of the BuckMaster's from the shop but it's not a "prototype" style. I visited the production shop down near the Oceanside airport a time or two with a friend of mine, Paul White. Just thougth I'd stick this up here and maybe get some more history.
There's not a Buck brand on the handle, just the Phrobis dolphin thing on the handle and one side of the blade, the blade states Buck 110 USA on the other side. There was a little keyring thing and tool but it's probably buried in my stuff (it took me a few hours just to find the knife).
I don't remember if it was Harry's gunsmith that sold me the little knife or the retired Marine that worked there.