Questions from a 300 Whisper newbie
So, my Model 1 upper is in transit, as are my CH4D dies. I'm going up to a meet a guy that is going to let me use his already set up Dillon 550 to load up some ammo. While I am there he is going to thread my barrels for flash hiders and make me a ram extension and a trim die so I can make my own brass from 223 in my Dillon XL650. That's for a little background. Now for my questions. I currently have ~100 Hornady 220gr Interlock Round Nose Bullets, as well as 200 Sierra MatchKing 220gr BTHP, ~100 165gr Nosler Ballistic Tip Boat Tails. I won't tell you how little I paid for them because I don't want to make you jealous. Anyway, I want to load 2 basic rounds. One high velocity (2200+) with a light bullet and one subsonic with a heavy bullet. Over on the Ultimate 300/221 Page there is an OAL listed for the 220gr RN. Since I have some of these I would like to know what people think of using this bullet and what powder should be used. Are there feeding problems with a round nose in the AR action? I see that H110 seems to be a popular powder, but that it tends to foul the gas mechanism. Thoughts on this? I am going back to the place where I got the above listed bullets to dig through more piles of reloading stuff. What should I be looking for in the way of powder? And finally, anybody have any experience or know anyone who has any experience with the gas piston conversion sold by Centerfire Systems?