I will work on some formal rules when I get a chance... For now, I have only a few simple rules:
1. No discussions that are clearly illegal in nature. (See More Below).
2. No hate or threatning posts or posts designed to disrupt the community.
3. No Porn - It is in the terms of my hosting (See More Below).
4. Keep topic where they belong.
5. Post all WTB/WTS/WTT ads in the
Flea Market Area
In each thread there a little triangle
. If you see a post that should be reviewed and/or deleted all you need to do is click the button and I will get a notice. Also be warned that I know who clicks those little buttons.
I believe in the first amendment and the right to freely discuss what we want. Unlike some boards that will lock or delete a thread where a person asks what the difference is between a Semi-Auto and a Machinegun of the same type, that type of conversation is welcomed here. What IS NOT WELCOME is topics along the lines of "I am having trouble getting my semiauto converted to full auto". Such actions are clearly illegal in the United States and while I have no problems discussion theory or practice on how a licenced dealer may do such a conversion as THEORY AND KNOWLEDGE IS NOT ILLEGAL .... being stupid and breaking the law and talking about it on the internet
WILL NOT be done here!
This website is being setup for adults and in your signup you agreed that you were over 18. Just the same, I do not want porn here. I don't mind BOTD type threads and I don't care if they are topless but those posts belong in the General Forum!
If you must post or talk about porn or you want or need to see more of an Anatomy lesson type photo then I have another website forum for you (See:
phpPorn.com)! It is free and my rules there are pretty much open...
Now, I gave you a place to post it and look at it... If you post it on these forums you WILL get banned and locked out! I think the rule is fair and you have been warned and the block will be by your IP not by username!