Originally Posted by gcollector2002
Did you buy a DPHM (or soething like that) bending jig on another site?
If so lets get that bending party going
Now, spying on me on other sites isn't nice
Yes, I have purchased two new jigs... One is another 555th jig as shown above and the second is a DPH jig. I am going to modify the new 555th jig to add the alignment pins (making it essentually like the DPH unit) and then it will get put into the rotation while I do the same with the 555th jig that is making the rounds at the moment.
If the DPH jig does offer something that the 555th jigs don't I will put the DPH jig in circulation....
My problem is that I have not received either of my two new jigs yet t test them out... Yes, I am still planning to host a build party but I have had a busy couple weeks to months at work plus a bunch of my websites had to be moved.... and to be honest I am trying to move these forums as well...
More on the move here
http://quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=75 -- YEA That's Quarterbore.
When we do have a build party I may need to request somone to host us as my neighborhood and lack of space may cause us problems in larger groups... With three jigs and some dedication a build party could be quite an event!