For carrying, I like the Mo 25 a lot better. It is my favorite carry rifle. I have one with a barrel cut back to 20 inches, with a globe front sight, set up to suit me, not collectors. It is so light and handy I can carry it all day and hardly notice. These little guns are the same as the Mo 12 22lr, except that the frame is 0.5 inch longer, if that gives you an idea of how light they are.
The Savage sporter is more accurate due to the added weight and length. They must have been popular for target shooting at one time because most have been drilled and tapped for long scopes. The two I have are great shooters. The bolt works super fast and smooth. The 25-20 has a small accuracy edge. It is as good as I can hold. There arent many choices in 25-20 bullets. But the ones that are available are all good. I run the Sporter a bit hotter than the Mo. 25. I'll post some data later.
For the 32-20 - I had good luck with all jacketed bullets. And acceptable luck with most cast bullets. There is an article out there by an esteemed factory ballistician that says the reason it is difficult to get cast bullet accuracy out of a 32-20 rifle is because of the way the throat is cut (too sharp). In my rifles, the 100gr. .308 Hornady half jackets are top dog if pushed hard enough to make them slug up to the bigger bore. 2000+fps is easily achievable with (scoped) accuracy approaching moa. The soft nose mushrooms beautifully and the cup portion remains intact. All jacketed pistol bullets I tried worked well. The 60gr Speers are a hoot. I usually run them around 1400fps, but 3000fps is achievable.
Last edited by Rickster; 07-12-2008 at 09:23 PM.