It kind of depends on how much your changing, If I'm blowing out a case quite a bit I usually do 2 stages. 1. I load primer add some pistol powder (I use about 1.5 gr Red Dot) oatmeal to keep powder in back near primer. I then use wax cast in a sheet about 1/4" thick and push down into neck till neck cuts through sheet of wax. Then step out to shooting area aim in safe direction and fire cases.
This procedure normally will not bring you a crisp sharp shoulder but will form case to 99%.
You them load a medium load with lead or cull bullets and fire normally.
At this point you'll clean sharp shoulders with only trimming left.
This is only one way, there are many others, including just firing factory ammo which I often do, if your careful you won't have many failures. I value my brass highly. Of the whole shooting the only thing I can't make is the brass, pamper it but when it get's tired through it down stomp on it and dispose.
Only 2 Kinds of People:
Them Who Can and Them Who Wished They Could!