Originally Posted by JFettig
I measured my port and it is .083" according to my calipers, I think tp555 driled it to .08 if I remember correctly.
I'll look into AA#9. Not sure if I know anyone who has any. Until I buy or find some, I'll stick with supersonic loads and take your advice against opening it up. The plan was to open it to .090 max.
I have all on my 300-221 fireball barrels drilled out to 0.083. The gas ports in my rifles is in the pistol position and I can reliably shoot 165 gr bullets sub-sonic.
Pug is right on about the suggestion to use AA#9. That is the powder I use. I have also have some success with Alliant 2400.
You now have my curiosity peaked. I wonder if I can get my rifles to shoot 150-155 grain bullets in the sub-sonic realm? I think that I will give it a try this weekend.