Well the 552 is now painted and pretty and I got to fire a few rounds with Lil'gun in both the 552 and the rem 700. It seems to be pretty good stuff though a bit odd in working up the load. This first bit out of the Rem 700 with 16.25" barrel.....135gr flat point bullet (30-30 lever gun bullets) at 15gr Lil'Gun1990avg, 16gr 2100 avg, 17gr 2140avg, 18gr 2350 avg. Pretty big jump for that one extra grain. With 110gr spire points I only did 19 and 20gr loads. 19gr 2350avg, 20gr 2450avg.
Out of the 552 with 9" bbl I had some errors with the chrono and only got data at 15gr with the 135gr flat points-1775avg and 16gr one round tripped the meter at 1904. looks like a couple hundred fps lost with 7" less barrel. On the number 2 gasport the 15gr loads ejected but didn't load. I went to the next larger port and problems disappeared. Full lock back on the bolt when the last round fired.
We didn't get to do any accuracy testing because the weather was crap, rain, cold and some snow blowing things around.
Some pics of the paint job. I think it looks fantastic. My friend at Marcolmar did the paint work and deserves a round of applause.
Thats it for now. Thanks for the help on loads.