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Old 03-06-2005, 08:27 PM
cbsaf cbsaf is offline
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What carriers work with the SWD RLL?

Are there any bolt carriers that will work with a RLL straight out of the box other than a factory Colt SP1? It looks like a DPMS would but I have never seen it confirmed. :?:
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Old 03-07-2005, 08:21 AM
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I have read that the DPMS will work but I don't own one... All of the carriers that I have and use are Colt SP1s...

Really, anybody know for sure? Also, do the DPMS 7.62x39 carriers work the link too?
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Old 03-07-2005, 09:00 AM
cbsaf cbsaf is offline
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This is a good subject that is never really discussed. Some people have hopes of getting a RLL but have no idea of possible components for a host gun. You should add a list of lowers and carriers on the RLL and RDIAS pages that are compatible with each component. It would give people enough time to mock up a legal semiauto host gun and then if they get approved it is just plug and play. Why is this such a taboo subject? You can see my RLL but not my carrier? If or when the Stewart case goes to the supreme court there is a slim chance that people will be allowed to make their own LL's or DIAS again depending upon their ruling and it would be great to be prepared with a host gun that is already legal now if the known components were readily available.
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Old 05-09-2005, 03:54 PM
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Here is a relate topic:


After we get some feedback there I will ummarize here as all things get deleted off ARFCOM at some point....
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Old 07-12-2005, 10:53 PM
gt3499a gt3499a is offline
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my chromed dpms wasnt hard to modify

just had to take it down from about .4" to .38" on the rear and square it a bit so that the paddle would not strike the curved edges first. I like to use a thicker paddle and it is a little difficult to close. Another .01 would make that a lot easier, and I dont really think that it would affect reliability, but I do not have any way to add material back if I didnt like it.

Really only takes 3 or 4 minutes with a carbide bit on a dremel. So that makes me think that it is a good option. A real sp1 is usually 20 years old and never has easy to clean surfaces.

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Old 12-30-2006, 12:31 AM
RemMax RemMax is offline
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I know the RDIAS will work with both Bushmater Guns as well as Olympic Lowers, the Oly Lower has a Model1 Sale's upper on it
They will NOT Fit in a Rock River Arms Lower due to the Depth of the recess below the Rear Lug
As for the RLL, if I was going to spend the money on one of those I would think that modifying slightly any carrier I had would be a small price to pay. Just my thought on that.
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Old 12-30-2006, 06:44 PM
cntrailrider cntrailrider is offline
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I just installed one in my $89 Stag lower, with outstanding results. Used an un-modified DPMS carrier. Also had to shorten the top of the paddle a bit

There was a minimum of dremmeling involved (to the lower) not difficult - and later, and I did square up the back of the carrier. It beat having to shell out $$ for an SP1

Posted some pics of how I accomplished it, on a different thread / here:

Steve in EL Paso

Last edited by cntrailrider; 09-07-2007 at 06:32 PM.
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Old 12-30-2006, 06:59 PM
cntrailrider cntrailrider is offline
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Cbsaf -

By the way I was one of those ppl who bought a RLL because it was a good deal at the time (almost a year ago) with no clue what I was going to run it in. I can't believe it took me this long to get around to playing with it.

My whole set-up, including the RLL, put me out around $7,200 <pinch pinch>

This "Stag solution" came as a result of shopping for an SP1, then thinking I'd better explore what I've already got, more throroughly

I have no idea, yet, if a select-fire kit will work in this Stag - tune in a year from now and hopefully I'll have gotten around to it - yeah, that busy

Have a Safe & Happy New Years, folks

Steve in EL Paso
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Old 12-30-2006, 10:22 PM
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The select fire kit will work with that lower just fine... Congrats and welcome to the club!
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