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Old 04-04-2008, 02:14 PM
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first ar build

i'm fixin to start my ar 300-221 build. getting an upper less bolt from a fellow board member. going to look for a lower at the next gun show. any recommendations on what to look for or stay away from?
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Old 04-05-2008, 12:38 AM
pug pug is offline
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As long as you get a quality 7075 forged lower you should be ok. If you could find out whether the upper is teflon coated or not you can make a better color match if they are both the same. Color shade ranges from really dark gray to black black. As mentioned on the other board Mega and LMT have always looked flawless to me but there are some lower priced good receivers out there. There are Olys which look good (non teflon) but I would use DPMS internals. A complete Double Star A2 lower assembly will cost you about $230 and the ones I have used (pistol) are not teflon coated. You mentioned you did not have a bolt/carrier yet and if you really get into the ARs you will probably find that you would want an enhanced shrouded bolt/carrier assembly. There is a little timing difference with them and I find they are a little safer and smoother than the generic ones with the two fins on the bottom instead of the solid ramp on the enhanced. You may want the upper in hand when purchasing the bolt/carrier unless they are the same brand because a carrier on the max plus tolerance side will drag inside a receiver on the max minus tolerance side and that should be avoided if possible. Hope the info helps.

Last edited by pug; 04-05-2008 at 12:42 AM.
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Old 04-05-2008, 06:44 PM
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thanks pug. we don't get many shows around here. closest is 3 hrs. i'll give me some ideas in looking at this one. i think i'll wait for the upper like you said before making a purchase.
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Old 04-07-2008, 12:14 PM
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pug, would you elaborate on the differences of a carrier vs enhanced carrier? if i had a carrier/bolt in front of me how would i know which one it was + there's this one on GB http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/Vie...?Item=96754088 is this a decent deal?
American Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Association of....HEY! What's That Shiny Thing?

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Old 04-07-2008, 08:12 PM
pug pug is offline
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The one in the picture is the type I was refering to even though I didn't know DPMS made one. If the picture had been a little more to the left it would have showed all clearly but first on the enhanced the ramp is solid and at a little different angle. It cocks the hammer smoother and I have had no bolt catch dragging with the solid ramps. Second is the firing pin head is shrouded (covered) on the enhanced and was not on the earlier models. The angle of attack of the hammer combined with the length of the shroud over the firing pin head makes it more difficult for the gun to fire out of battery should there be a fire control part malfunction. In fact certain combinations of parts makes the timing so it impossible for the firing pin to strike the primer unless the bolt has rotated into lock position. I have changed all mine out to enhanced otherwise I would take a pic to show the difference. That looks to be about retail on the one shown. OLY and RRA are about the same and there are always higher priced options.
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Old 04-07-2008, 09:45 PM
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Gpz1100 Gpz1100 is offline
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Thanks. That's what the bolt in my DPMS LR308 looks like. Ramp on bottom.
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