gas port vs gas tube
Hey I pulled my M1S 300/221 barrel off last night. The hole is around .118 I believe. I'm gonna open it and the hole in the block and tube up to .120+
Hey did anyone check the I.D. of the gas tubes. They are around .120 I think. If the port is opened up the gas won't flow any faster than the smallest point. Opening up the port wouldn't make any difference after about .130. I'm going to make sure mine is opened up to .120 to .130 then I'm gonna work on loads. The Corbon's shot 6" lower from 150gr to 220gr at 50yards. I don't have a Chrono either, but I'm thinking I can get mine working with subsonic 220gr if I use my own loads. I think Corbon 220 subsonics must be anorexic. Has anyone Chrono'd there load out of a AR15?
going shopping this week for some AA1680. Already have the 220gr and brass waiting for me.
Question the 11gr AA1680 for the 220gr tha Jripper is using, what type of cases are you using. I've got Federal, LC and 221.