Originally Posted by Artful
Nope, not going there again - I was young and dumb when I put primer's into hollow point of 45ACP loads but gave it up when one went off prematurely - don't suggest you do it in semi-auto firearems. 
Ya I have to admit it is a little loose on the conservative side of safety. And not a good idea in a semi-auto that is slamming a Round in the Chamber ....
Maybe I should have added : ... Don't try at Home" & "Do At Your Own Risk". after than sentence but I was kind of joking.
Even though I have actually done it before.Just like you in .45 HP's ...

. but I did not have one Go OFF. LOL Hahahaha
Anyway those Jackets are Tough and thick. I could not believe when they just Hummed right through that piece of 4" thick header and not even affect the jackets @ 100 yrd. The holes were all clean and small. front and back of the wood block.
Those jackets Petals are long hard jaged and stiff like knife blades to after they slamed the 80 lb. skid-loader track pad.