You're still missing the point, but it doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by John@JCDLESales
No I don't think you understand ANYApproved Form 1,2,3 or four is a Tax Return File by law
Yes, I know that.
If I tell you how much I made last year and how much in taxes I paid, you won't go to jail for
knowing, and I won't go to jail for
telling you.
User supplied info. Like any car registry site you google. Corvette Registry, 16vGTI Registry, and so on, and so forth. Nothing at all to do with getting info FROM the NFRTR.
Originally Posted by John@JCDLESales
Not many are going to help you in your quest of this information.
Only LL owners could contribute, and only they would benefit.
Frankly, it is really not a big deal, and I've put more effort into trying to
explain what I was thinking of as compared to what I wanted to put into the entire project, so it is OK nobody gets it or supports it