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Old 10-07-2007, 02:51 AM
tnek tnek is offline
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RLL using stock AR lower parts

On the info pages Quarterbore discussed using a RLL with a stock AR trigger group to achieve select fire. Can you elaborate and tell me if it is reliable? I am cruising subguns and such thinking of buying a RLL and not having to tweak a host weapon would be nice.
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Old 10-07-2007, 11:13 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
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I played with that a little and I decided that I am going to stick with the modified M16A2 Burst kit modification instead. The standard SF kit gives you SAFE/SEMI/SEMI without the link installed and there is NO WAY it would ever fire full-auto without the link installed.

I have the kit in a couple of my lowers and I swap my link as I wish OR if I am going to the range and I don't want to shoot full-auto I use the AR-15 with the Select Fire kit installed without worry.

My stand is that the gun with the select fire kit is a semiauto and that the M-16 parts that I added enhance the safety of the weapon system when it is used with the LL. I am quite comfortable that I could defend my use of these select fire parts in a court of law if someone wanted to try to prosecute me for having an M-16A2 selector, trigger, and the chopped down M-16A2 disconects in my AR-15s.
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Old 10-13-2007, 05:14 PM
tnek tnek is offline
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I wonder if there has been a test case to determine if the burst parts are legal if they will not allow FA as installed. I thought the BATF ruled any M16 parts at all in a non registered AR15 Lower w/o a registered LL is considered making a MG.
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:05 AM
opticalc opticalc is offline
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Im not sure about the M16, but I know that a fullauto AK-47 needs another hole drilled completely through the receiver for one of the pieces of the full auto parts. Isn't the M16 the same way? If so it seems like you should be fine, even for taking the rLL out of the AR15 whenever you wanted to... Especially if you didnt have any full auto M16 bolt carriers anywhere around you.

On those lines, would you be at risk for ATF prosecution if you did legally own a rLL and converted an AR15 the regular way (with all the necessary M16 BCG and FCG), as long as you found somewhere inside the rifle to stick the rLL where it wouldn't come out? I guess that if the rLL were to fall out of the rifle that youd then be illegal.

It just seems wierd to me, the concept of the rLL being the MG, but that when you install it into a receiver, then the receiver becomes the MG. If so, then it shouldn't matter what you do to the receiver, right???
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