In my 16-inch barrel, I was able to push a 155 g at 2086 fps (a PF of 339) with 18.5 gr Lil'Gun, but this load would blow primers. This batch of reloads prodcuced 2117 fps from the 20-inch barrel without blowing primers. I could only fit another 1/2 gr on powder into this batch because on the bullet seating depth.
The next batch of reloads, I seated the bullet out as far as possible. With this configuration, 18.5 gr of Lil'Gun gave me 2023 for the 155 gr Palma bullets in a 20-inch barrel. I could get 20 gr of Lil'Gun to push the 155 gr Sierra Palma BT to 2150 fps. in same barrel. I have not tried this loading in the 16-in. barrel.
I think that if I seated the bullet out as far as possible I might get 18.5 g of Lil'Gun to run in the 16-inch barrel but I would probably lose a bit of velocity.
So I am willing to bet that with the larger volume case you should be able to get ~20 gr of Ll'Gun to run without getting too high pressures.
Originally Posted by pug
..... Didn't take the chrono with me but now wish I had.
I have done this too... and had the same regret :)
Good luck and keep us posted