Although I love C Products magazines, and I have a bunch in .223, I will only concider that option as a last resort. The lower that I switched out to the AR-47 lower is now on a dedicated .22 upper with an ACE folding stock.
I just need to know what needs to be done (milling, ect) to the upper reciever so the AK magazine will line up properly with the bolt carrier AND close the two recievers so it can operate.
Quarterbore, how do the recievers fit for your AR-47's? I don't have any problems until I actually try to put a magazine into the gun. It just rolls back out because it hits the sides of the upper reciever. There wouldn't be much milling needed for the magazine to clear, but then it will just hit the bottom of the bolt carrier. Did you buy the rifles whole, or did you just get the lowers like I did?
I wish it was a simple problem of having the wrong country's magazines. (i.e. that Yugo mags would be bad but soviet mags would be good...)