I loaded some 110grn Sierra Varmiter with 19.5 gn H110. Grouped real good as mentioned above.
As far as them coming apart, I loaded some in my 300 win mag with a max
load several years ago. I did not clock them but they are smoking. Very accurate load as well, for about 8-10 shots, then you have to clean the barrel. Just went back to may record book. The load was 78grn. IMR 4350
with a Federal Match primer (date: 10/16/86

) Looked in the Sierra book
and the max load is 79.6 grn 4350 @ 3600fps. I guess I was not quite a max
Also loaded some 110 grn Speer Spire Points, same load. They did not shoot as well, not near. May try some more with a different powder.