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RWBlue 05-18-2007 09:59 PM

110gr Speer & 125gr Win
Has anone shot 110gr Speer bullets or 125gr winchester bullets at suppersonic speeds in fast twist barrel?

I want to load up some and shoot them, and if they are going to come apart it would kill my suppressor.

.308 caliber of course.

pug 05-18-2007 10:28 PM

I have shot Speer 125gr TNTs just over 2200 fps and never saw any sign of the jackets seperating. The bullets would be spinning just under 200,000 rpms out the muzzle with a 1:8 at that speed and I don't think thats fast enough to strip off even the thin TNT jackets. Just my opinion mind you.

RWBlue 05-19-2007 02:57 AM

I tested the 110gr Speers.

No issue
15 gr blue dot
~8 inches of gel, massive expansion, good hole, but not as impressive as I expected.

Cornholio 05-19-2007 03:23 AM

I have shot the 110gr Sierra Varminter bullets at 2400 fps out of my 1 in 8". The precision was stunning, doing 1/2" groups and sometimes slightly better at 100yds. I believe I was using 18 gr of 2400.

sniperx 05-19-2007 12:03 PM

I loaded some 110grn Sierra Varmiter with 19.5 gn H110. Grouped real good as mentioned above.
As far as them coming apart, I loaded some in my 300 win mag with a max
load several years ago. I did not clock them but they are smoking. Very accurate load as well, for about 8-10 shots, then you have to clean the barrel. Just went back to may record book. The load was 78grn. IMR 4350
with a Federal Match primer (date: 10/16/86 :eek: ) Looked in the Sierra book
and the max load is 79.6 grn 4350 @ 3600fps. I guess I was not quite a max

Also loaded some 110 grn Speer Spire Points, same load. They did not shoot as well, not near. May try some more with a different powder.

RWBlue 05-20-2007 03:37 AM

The 125gr Remington is OK also.

125gr Remington SP
13.5 gr bluedot
Good expansion, not impressed with gel

pug 05-20-2007 11:54 PM

If you are looking for a shock wave created cavity several inchs in diameter after penetration then you will need to go with a broad nose hollow point at supersonic velocity. Usually very hard on the gel blocks.

RWBlue 05-21-2007 08:59 PM

I was somewhat impressed with the 168gr Hornady A-Max at supersonic speeds. So far this load is the most impressive. Good pen, good rip of the gel.

The 220gr Sierra MK king is less than impressive at subsonic speeds.

I think the 220gr Hornady round nose will be next, but I don't expect much from it.

RWBlue 05-22-2007 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by RWBlue
I think the 220gr Hornady round nose will be next, but I don't expect much from it.

Well, I wasn't disapointed. I didn't expect much, and didn't get much. 8gr AA#7 220gr, is subsonic 14 inches of pen in the Gel, but it doesn't produce much of a hole. I lost a couple bullets in the gel.

The 240gr Sierra Match King did much better. With 8gr AA #7, it stays subsonic, tumbles in the media.

I am still having issue with getting the AR to function with subsonic loads. I am tempted to push the load or go to AA#9.

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