6x45? must be a different cartridge than I was imagining. I'll have to do some research but I thought it was just the .223 neck up AKA the 6mm TCU? if that is so I find those numbers hard to believe. Of course I could be basing this on complete mis information. The more I think about it the more likely it seems as the SAW was intended for a unique cartridge that was not based on the .223.
Guess I will do some research.
More to the point, I am currently playing with a .256 win mag and a rimless version running very high pressures (based on .223 cases) and I was looking for something to put in an AR upper in .257 caliber. I am liking the looks of the 30 Herret rimless tactical (6.8 spc necked to 30) as it is an easy fit in the AR (obviously) and it will drop down and do the whisper end of things, and reach a little higher as well. I was just thinking on maybe taking it the other direction, especially since I currently swage my own projectiles in .257
Homeland defense starts at home