Jope, i used a 1 in 9.25 for my 50EBG project, no complaints. My only problem with 510 cases is cost, and if I make them myself...time and cost
sixteen inches of barrel is plenty if subsonic is where you're heading. The whisper case has some extra capacity so if you want to go faster you could use a smidge more barrel.
David... JD has a 50 whisper now ,based on a 460 weatherby case. If you have to have a shoulder....This is the cartridge for you. Teppo Jutsu has the 500 phantom but brass is almost non-existent. Weatherby brass comes in at about two bucks a pop if you make them yourself, but you need a .588 (i think) bolt face, which means Sako or Weatherby......But I'd bet I can turn out a Savage bolt head that will work
Something important with either chambering: If you get your reamer set up for 750AMAX and plan to use milsurp.... The length difference is going to matter substantially if you want to seat milsurp at the cannelure... you'll be jumping almost .250 to reach the lands, otherwise plan on anything milsurp hanging out there a ways.
in case you havent read it