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Old 02-27-2007, 10:37 PM
lovdasnow lovdasnow is offline
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Can Question for the whisper?

OK, this is my first post here, I've been lurking for about a year, and didn't have a gun but that has changed!

On sat I will be getting my first whisper. rem 700, with a 1-8", 20" shilen barrel. It will be getting sent off for threading, fluting, refinishing, and a thread protector. the guy I bought it from said it shoots 1/2" at 100 with subsonic 210gr bergers, so I'm excited.

all that to ask my question, first I have two can's so I know about the paperwork, and everything that's involved. I have 2 AAC's, a pilot, and a m4-2000.

question...can't decide about what can to get? because I can get a pistol can, and be alright, that adds a ton of options. I do like the idea of a lighter can, but most of all am worried about noise?

so, what are you guys shooting? do you think that 308 can's are quieter? if I did get a pistol can, do I need a 9mm can?

ok thats all for now, this post is getting too long. thanks guys, Jon

Last edited by lovdasnow; 02-28-2007 at 11:38 AM.
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:18 PM
dflicker dflicker is offline
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Jet Suppressor

Mike's Gun Sales (www.jetsuppressors.com) makes a small, lightweight titanium can (2x5.5" I believe) specifically for the 300 Whisper. I have one ordered but it seems that ATF has lost my Form 4.

I would expect that a full size 308 can would be quieter due to its greater volume. It would also be bigger and heavier.
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:53 PM
pug pug is offline
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As mentioned usually the more volume the quieter the can. Also the tighter the bore around the bullet the quieter it is hence a true 308 can should be quieter than a 9mm if all else is equal. If all you were going to shoot was low pressure rounds the 9mm can is good for all around use however most won't hold up to repeated high power rounds especially if it has a packed spindle as some do. The high power cans usally have a large empty expansion chamber first that allows the hot gasses to rapidly expand and cool to reduce stress on the primary baffle stack. Of course there are all kinds of designs out there and each manufacturer will be happy to tell you whether a particular model can hold up to high power fire.
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Old 03-01-2007, 02:13 AM
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A friend of mine is an FFL holder that is a manufacturer of firearms other than destructive devices and has the paid SOT.

I asked him about this very question - he said that many 9mm rounds have more pressure than the 300 whisper when exiting the barrel and that any 9mm can should work on the whisper.

I have just filed my form 4 to buy one of his suppressors. I think they are about 1.6" in diameter and about 8" long. I heard it on my rifle and it sounds like a loud pellet gun. It isn't sillent, but it sure doesn't sound like a rifle either.

I need to get the barreled action refinished and the stock bedded, and I will post some pics then.
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Old 03-01-2007, 02:39 AM
lovdasnow lovdasnow is offline
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thanks for the replys guys! so have any of you heard a whisper being shot with a 308 can next to a 9mm can? just trying to find some real life info.

I don't really get the volume benifit of a quieter can either. But my limited experiance comes just from putting my big 223 can on my 22 rifle and shooting subsonics, and then putting my little 22 can on the same rifle and shooting the same bullets, the little 22 can was as quiet or quieter than the big(more volume) 223 can...so take that for what it's worth.

I guess I was using the same reasoning behind the 308/ 9mm can, although the bigger 9mm hole does really make sence to me..

so, have any of you guys heard them side by side?

and thanks for that jet info, I'll check them out. thanks again, jon

by the way, what can/ suppressor is everyone out there using on their whispers? I would be curious to hear.
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Old 03-01-2007, 03:18 PM
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Not side by side but one after another - I purchased AAC Cyclone but intend to use on more than just 300 whisper - 762-SD came out after my purchase or I would have probably gone with that - but again that's multi-use for my can.

My AWC Mk-9 subgun can sounded ok just way to bulky for practical use for me on the end of the AR.
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Old 03-02-2007, 01:57 PM
lovdasnow lovdasnow is offline
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thanks for the info, and ya that 762-sd looks pretty good! I think I'll lean that way.
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Old 03-02-2007, 10:52 PM
m21black m21black is offline
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I have been using my AAC Cyclone and you can hear the hammer drop and the action tightening up that the big noise... a 240 SMK makes a lot of noise on impact.
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