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Old 01-04-2007, 12:36 PM
RemMax RemMax is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Indiana
Posts: 15
Originally Posted by Berszerk
Well, I bent the hell out of the 1/4 grade 8 bolts and almost gave up, until my buddy who is a mechanic said bring the barrel to me, so I did. He drove it out in 2 seconds with an airhammer, I was astonished, so I went out and bought what I thought was an air hammer and tried it on another barrel pin. I peened the crap out of it. Once again I brought it to him peened pin and all, it took 2 seconds. He had a larger air hammer than mine, so if you use this method research the difference and buy the big one. I think he said he paid $45, I paid $15 for mine. Oh and use a blunt tip attachement not the pointed one it will save you some heartache.

Something else to think about regarding the Mechanic with a Air Hammer, first if he makes his living as a Mechanic then his Air Hammer is most likely "Blue Point" (made for Snap-On) or similar brand vs. Homier (or similar) and likely cost a lot more than $45.00 The Quality of the tool especially air tool's WILL make a Tremendous Difference! The high end A/H's have a lot more force with larger/heavier "hammers" inside them giving it a much harder blow and far more Shock/Vibration which is what what makes the pin move in this application. (very much like a good quality Dremel vs. a Cheap Dremel) (sure we all know all to well about that tool)

The second thing to think about is that as a Full time Mechanic, your buddy spends a lot of time with a tool in his hands every day, as such when compared to a Hobbyist he is probaly a lot more skilled in using his tool's in general! This is not to take away from the ability of a "Hobbyist" to use tool's. Hobbyist have the advantage of being able to spend as much time as they want on a project without starving to death for it. I have seen some because of this "luxury" do some really beautiful work!
But still, when you use a tool every day, all day to feed yourself and pay for your toys (AK hobby kit's) you tend to get very quick and efficent with said tool's very quick! Most people think a air hammer is a air hammer, but it really isn't, as mentioned, better quality air hammers "hit" harder with more shock. A tool's time in hand and practice using it make working it a art form in it's own way! As a Old School mechanic myself I can say this with a degree of confidence, after all we are'nt referred to as a "wrench" for nothing!!
I just wish that as a wrench at work I could afford to spend the time on a job that I do when at home working on a project!! I suppose that is the difference between a "hobby" and a "job" though, and as such why a project is relaxing to work on in one's free time where-as a job tends to be more "intense" and/or "stressful"!!!!!!
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