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Old 12-29-2006, 06:25 AM
RemMax RemMax is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Indiana
Posts: 15

Let Try AgainARRRGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok let me try to type this againg Sicilian0
I can't quote the BATFE Rules but here is a pretty close memorey of them, First let me say the Rules on a AR15 are probably the cleasest of any gun out there due to it's popularty over the years
Possesion of a M16 Hammer, Bolt Carrier and either a Drop In Auto Sear or GI Sear IS POSSESION OF A MG
Hammer, Trigger Disconector, Selector+ Machine Gun Add a Carrier still a MG
Possesion of a Lightning Link = POSSESION OF MG!
Short reasoning they give is this as I remember it, The AR15 Bolt Carrier and Hammer together are designed so that if the Disconector fails the Hammer will Jam on the Carrier preventing any chance of Slam Fire, Altering EITHER of these Parts bypasses this safety feature and therfore the Batfe can get it to slam fire unless you have a Firing Pin Rebound Spring such as is used on a 9MM AR and with the primers they use to test It WILL slam fire! No one know's what type test primers they use only that they are extremly sensitive and slam fire extremly easy (Nitro Based???) and by putting either the hammer or the carrier in your gun you insured that the weapon will slam fire at least 2 rounds on 1 of thiee mulitple attemps
Having the Hammer, Carrier and DIAS is Possesion of a MG even if you don't own or posses a AR the same with the Lightning Link.
I personnely own 64 Long Guns, 2 Registered MG'S (Select fire Uzi, and AC556) 6 Registered Suppressor's and 54 Handguns + assorted other ie. tech 9 Mac 12 etc.. and am working on building 6 Bulgy Krink Kits (2 7.62'& 4 5.45's) 2 of these will become pistols 2 rifles with Fake Suppresoors and at least 1 a registered SBR. And While I will be the first to admit that the price of ATF Tax Stamp's is rediculuos, it is cheaper than the alternitive. Even the outlandish cost of the registered MG's is better than the BUBBA routine and cost less cash as well.
In the case of most MG Parts the Hammer is the NO NO the AR is no exception if anything it is worse because they are so clear on that weapon! So while I hate to see a kid lose His RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS for the rest of their life I am afraid that is what you are looking at. Based on the "Combination of Parts" the "You" installed I can't think of any reasonable explanation for havine put those in there! I own about 8 AR15's in different calibers and configurations from a Bolt .50 BMG, .50 Beowulf, 21 Gengis (5.45x39) 7.62x39 9MM .45acpand .223's with 1:14 1:12 1:9 1:8.8 & 1:7 twist I do oc ocasison Install a Used a M16 TRIGGER but I still use a AR15 Disconector as well as all the other AR15 parts, the only reason I use the Triggers is that I was able to find some with enough use to be very smooth and crisp. In your case though I am afraid you are going to pay more for your FA Fun than I have and will have a lot less fun in the proccess! I sugesst you get a good lawyer since I don't beleive they are going to give you a plea option not to mention that the Feds will be filing charges after the state get through filing their's, In short Sicilian0 you are in DEEP %&*$!!!
Good luck and always remeber, The Difference Between The Men And The Boy's Is The Price Of Their TOY'S!!! (if you don't beleive it ask my Wife!)
Oh Yea any AR Lower with a hole above the safety regarless of what the inside looks like is considered a M16 and better be registered before the hole is drilled! Batf states there is NO REASON for a hole to be in that vicinity of the receiver even if it has a Block cast inside of it such as the Colt does.
Well Again, Good Luck, Sleep Light and Hold tight to the Rope and Don't Drop Your Soap!
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