Excellent site. I have one suggestion. In this paragraph:
But why not just buy a .308 rifle you ask? Because this round loves it when you put a Suppressor/Silencer on it! Further, it has the ability to properly stabilize heavier rounds (190gr,200gr,220gr,240gr) to insure accuracy, but at the same time, keeps the round under the speed of sound.
You state that the round has the ability to stabilize heavier projectiles. The round has nothing to do with stabilizing the projectiles. That is controlled by the rate of twist of the barrel. The longer (heavier) the bullet the faster it needs to spin. Also, a bullet traveling at 1000 fps needs a faster twist than the same bullet traveling at 2600fps. 1/8 or faster twist is needed to stabilize 200gr and heavier bullets at subsonic speeds in the 300whisper.