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Old 11-08-2006, 04:04 PM
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Del-Ton, Model 1 Sales, or ???

I've found .300 Fireball barrels by Del-Ton and Model 1 Sales:



Has anyone had any experiences with either company, good or bad?

Does anyone know the thread measurements on the muzzles?

The gas port is standard on either barrel and I’d like to install an adjustable, do you foresee any problems or can add suggestions?

Thanks for your input.
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Old 11-08-2006, 07:25 PM
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model ! sales

My experience has been with the Model 1 sales barrels...The thread dimension at the flash sup end is 1/2 X 36 tpi. The first one I bought was a twist other than the twist advertized but shot everything but the 240SMK's really well, I've since had Model 1 exchange out that barrel for an 8 twist and it shoots very well too.

I have another Model 1 barel in 8 twist thats had 100 or so rounds through it I'd sell for $175 ( plus ship) because I've collected too many and have other projects that need funding.
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:08 AM
fizassist fizassist is offline
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I've had good dealings with Del-ton, but I (and dozens others) have had crappy experiences with Model 1 Sales.
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Old 11-09-2006, 02:29 AM
320pf 320pf is offline
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Del-ton gets my vote

I got my barrel and upper receiver, bolt and bolt carrier group from Del-ton. It is a 16 inch stainless steel barrel from Olympic Arms with the gas port is in the pistol position. I went with a low profile adjustable gas block and recoil compensator from JP Enterprises. Originally the barrel was not threaded. I sent the barrel to Randall at AR15 barrels.com and had the barrel threaded to 5/8x24. This is the tread pitch for AR10's

Randall did a very nice job on my upper... turned the job around in about a week.

I set the gun up in the Dissipator configuration by installing a full length free float tube.

Toni at Del-ton is a great guy and will set you up with a nice upper.

Here is a photo of my upper. I use a EOtech holographic site or a Barsk 1.5 to 6x variable scope
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Last edited by 320pf; 11-09-2006 at 02:37 AM.
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Old 11-11-2006, 07:04 AM
prebancolt prebancolt is offline
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I bought an olympic barrel from Tony at Del-ton. Excellent service! The port was in the pistol location and my rifle shoots my subsonic and sonic loads without a problem. The barrel is not threaded...yet. As soon as I can get to it, I'll probably put 5/8" x 24 threads on it.

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Old 11-12-2006, 04:17 PM
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I've never had problems with Del-Ton. They ship fast and the parts are very nice.

Model 1 on the other hand was hit and miss. I ordered parts from them and got the wrong parts by mistake more than once. Sending parts back was a pain in the a$$. It sucks to pay shipping to send stuff back and have to explain they sent the wrong parts. Some parts did not look very good (this was 6-7 years ago, I've not done business with them since).

Several thousands of dollars with Del-Ton, no problem.
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Old 11-15-2006, 11:52 PM
Oldmanpaintball Oldmanpaintball is offline
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I have assembled 3 16 " carbines and a 20" standard and a 20" 6.8 spc from Model 1 Sales in the last 6 months. All of them shoot wonderfully, the only complain I have is the varying dgree in quality of the front sight blocks...some are nice and smooth..others have casting marks. Aside from that my 6.8spc will shoot 3/8" at 100 yards and the 223' shave been totally acceptible.

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Old 11-22-2006, 11:07 AM
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Gas port in the pistol position

320pf - you posted "It is a 16 inch stainless steel barrel from Olympic Arms with the gas port in the pistol position."

Did your barrel come from Del-Ton with the gas port already in the pistol position, or did you have to special order it this way?

I assume that the gas block would then be located underneath the handguards, is this correct and did Del-Ton mount the gas block in the pistol position?

Last edited by Scoots; 11-22-2006 at 11:09 AM.
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Old 11-23-2006, 09:51 AM
320pf 320pf is offline
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del-ton gets my vote


The upper that I got from Del-Ton has and Olympic Arms barrel. It came completely assembled and ready to run. I did not have to do anything to the upper. It came with a low profile gas block that is mounted under the handguard(s). In the original configuration, the upper had a D-ring barrel nut and split handguards. The forward handguard retainer clip was held in place by a picatiny rail that was mounted on the barrel where the carbine length gas port would be.

As far as I can determine from calling Olympic Arms, the current Olympic Arms barrels come with the gas port in the pistol position and are not threaded for a compensator or flash-hider. This was the case with the barrel that I have.

Subsequently, I upgraded the upper and installed a free-float tube and an adjustable gas block from JP Enterprises. I also had Randall at ARbarrels.com thread the barrel to 5/8x24... the same thread pitch for AR10. I believe that all I have to do is unscrew remove the compensator and screw on a suppressor. Unfortunately, the state I live in does not allow us peasants to have suppressors :(

In an earlier post on this thread you wanted to know about the thread pitch. I talked to Tony a Del-Ton...(I am thinking of buying another upper in 300-221 fireball with the gas port in the carbine position) about the tread pitch. He told me that the Olympic Arms barrels (like mine) are not threaded and that the other barrels he carries, the ones with the gas port in the carbine position, come threaded with some weird pitch. I think he said it was the same pitch as on the 7.62 AK barrels. You probably should call him to clarify this.

I hope this helps


Last edited by 320pf; 11-23-2006 at 09:55 AM.
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Old 11-23-2006, 12:25 PM
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320pf - Thank you for the information. I'll be placing an order with Tony at Del-Ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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