Hi. love guns of all types; knives, othr weapons, etc. learning about surplus, interested in eventually making knives. also into self defense, etc. Love to know how to do it all myself; woodscraft, etc. have bought knives and guns for many years, no big collection, just variety, etc.
thinking of reducing the number and variety and going for exceptional quality, users. all of a sudden not as interested in the variety cause i only own them but do not use them all. example : 3 double barrels ... ruger .270 #1 and 7 rem mag and always use same shotgun and same rifle; same with the knives, have different blade shapes, and sizes and actually use very few, though use more different nives than hunting rifles.
found the site looking for extremely accurate arms, considering military / police / varmint type weapons semi or bolt or single shot. found the site informative and the folks experienced. Love it.
Dan kennison - a coonass for sure.